
Dinner in Korean House

After the dinner in Korean House, all I can say is----mmmmmmm........
It rocks!! (Although most of it is spicy) Love it so much.
I was wondering if I can have spicy food, it will be much better!! (Sob sob...T.T)

So, these are the food:
A ginger tea after eating the spicy food (which is no use for me). It tastes sweet at first, then bitter. After that is kinda smelly. But i have to admit that it really works. (O.O)

A little taufu for free!!

Spicy Kimci!!! (can't get the picture while served, so bad...) -cannot eat-

A real spicy food served for free. (the ginger tea is really useful for this) Thought that it was sotong but we're wrong. -cannot eat-

Spicy again..... It contains many seafood in it but so sad. -cannot eat-

Leng Mian(cold noodle). Tasted nice at first but worse and worse later on. Can't figure out why...

Everything in the vegetable like how Korean poeple eat. Tasted nicer than eating only the meat.

Cooked pork and beef which is nice. Got service for cutting it too!! (and that's why the service tax is that expensive....)

The service. Nice!!

Cooked meat.

Raw meat (cooking).
