
My idol has finally came out with his new album!!!

This is my idol:

And his album is:

And I'd uploaded some of his video in Youtube. These are they:



A learning trip to Fujian, China.

In the learning trip to China, I learnt a lot about chinese culture and their purpose to do somthing.I knew a lot about Chinese history too!(I don't hate them as I hate Malaysia's because they are more intresting.)

As so, I do appreciate many one's as they asist me to have this oppurtunity to study there. They are:

-Aunty Jackie as she uses nearly two years to prepare this trip.

-Sook Fui jie jie as she asist me to learn in this trip and she leads my group.

-Shirleen jie jie,Wei Teen jie jie,Helena jie jie and Connie jie jie as they asisted Aunty Jacky to prepare this trip.

-Judy jie jie as she is the tour guide in this trip and she explained a lot to us about the things there.

-Uncle Gary although he is scary because he reminded us a lot in this trip.

-My parents as they supported me to come to this trip.

I really appreciate the hard work they'd done to sucess this trip.


Ouch!!!It hurts!!!

This thursday,i went to Sunway Pyramid for ice skating.Guess what,i got hurt on my both legs.

This is my right leg:

And left leg:

Do they look pain?

But although i got hurt,i learnt ice skating by myself and i can skate for a round without holding the railing.I really can't believe this.No one tought me but i learnt it by looking at the way others skate.Can you believe this?


Is it really so bad?

A week ago,i'd uploaded a new song in youtube.It's the english song sang by Jolin Tsai.I tought it is a good song.But you know what,everyone say that it is bad.

This is the song:

and these are the comments from others:

dctliya1: 超級無敵難聽的!不是所有的歌用哭腔跟滷蛋腔就會好聽。

whitenectarine: that was bad...did she say new orleans instead of moulin rouge? lol!!! she shouldn't sing dis song if her voice isn't low or loud or thick enough. her voice is so different from christina, lil kim, pink, missy and mya.

zapchaebok: gosh @@ IT'S SO BAD

kedi0306: 很抱歉,我必須說她的聲音真的不適合唱英文歌

pansuelin: 真是一整個糟糕原曲在哭泣了

smilemilk: 根本就一直在呻吟

kay1812: 好噁心

kay1812: 他真的是經典歌曲殺手 所有歌只要給他一唱馬上就毀了

And many many more...

For more details, you can go to the website:
Comments: http://www.youtube.com/comment_servlet?all_comments&v=Miilg4IqlJ0&fromurl=/watch%3Fv%3DMiilg4IqlJ0%26feature%3Drelated
Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Miilg4IqlJ0&feature=related
My Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/cherlynecherry


Tagged By Qian Ying

10 people I'm tagging:

1. Yan Yee
2. Zi Ning
3. Chun Huay
4. June Ming
5. Sarah Ngai
6. Hui Jun
7. Eunice Lai
8. Natalie
9. Mein Teng
10.Zan Hong (Hehe)

Who is no.2 having relationship with ?
Erm...not really sure about that :)

Is no.3 a male or a female ?
Male, of course

If no.7 and no.10 were together, would it be a good thing ?
Oh damn...they didn't even know each other...or maybe it is a good thing because my brother didn't have a girlfriend before

How about no. 5 and no. 8 ?
They have the same sex! It can't be

What's no.1 studying about ?
Her 'husband' Nicholas??

Is no. 4 single ?
I do think so

Say something about no. 6.
She is very good in debate (which make me feel proud of her)


Statement of Love

> > Article 1:The Kiss
> > 1. Kiss on the hand
> > I adore you
> >
> > 2. Kiss on the cheek
> > I just want to be friends
> >
> > 3. Kiss on the neck
> > I want you
> >
> > 4. Kiss on the lips
> > I love you
> >
> > 5. Kiss on the ears
> > I am just playing
> >
> > 6. Kiss anywhere else
> > lets not get carried away
> >
> > 7. Look in your eyes
> > kiss me
> >
> > 8. Playing with your hair
> > I can't live without you
> >
> > 9. Hand on your waist
> > I love you to much to let you go
> >
> > Article 2: The Three Steps
> >
> > 1. Girls:
> > If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.
> >
> > 2. Guys
> > If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.
> >
> > 3. Guys & Girls
> > Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.
> >
> > Article 3: The Commandments
> >
> > 1. Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
> >
> > 2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.
> >
> > 3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.
> >
> >
> > * Remember *
> > A peach is a peach
> > A plum is a plum,
> > A kiss isn't a kiss
> > Without some tongue.
> > So open up your mouth
> > close your eyes,
> > and give your tongue
> > some exercise!!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Here are a few reasons
> > why guys like girls:
> >
> > 1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
> >
> > 2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
> >
> > 3. How cute they look when they sleep
> >
> > 4. The ease in which they fit into our arms
> >
> > 5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
> >
> > 6. How cute they are when they eat
> >
> > 7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while
> >
> > 8. Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside
> >
> > 9. The way they look good no matter what they wear
> >
> > 10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
> >
> > 11. How cute they are when they argue
> >
> > 12. The way her hand always finds yours
> >
> > 13. The way they smile
> >
> > 14. The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight
> >
> > 15. The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that an hour later....
> >
> > 16. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
> >
> > 17. The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
> >
> > 18. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
> >
> > 19. The way they fall into your arms when they cry
> >
> > 20. Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
> >
> > 21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
> >
> > 22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!
> >
> > 23. The way they say 'I miss you'
> >
> > 24. The way you miss them
> >
> > 25.The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore..... Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ... it matters not.
> > Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart.
> > We love them for a million reasons,
> > No paper would do it justice.
> > It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart.
> > A feeling.Only felt.


Make A Little Wish

This is my favourite japanese song. Hope you will enjoy it!=)




Confusing Chinese Names

Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?

Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.

Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!

Operator : You are talking to someone! Who is this?

Caller : I'm Sam Wan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent.

Operator : I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?

Caller : Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.

Operator : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgen t matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!

Caller : You are so rude! Who are you?

Operator : I'm Saw Lee (Sorry).

Caller : Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!!
This is hilarious ...

Why Chinese shouldn't have Christian names:

Anne Chang => Dirty (Mandarin)
Anne Chin => Keep Quiet (Mandarin)
Faye Chen => Dusty (Mandarin)
Carl Cheng => Buttock (Hokkien)
Monica Cheng => Touching your buttocks (Hokkien)
Lucy Leow => You are dead (Hokkien)
Jane Tan => Frying eggs (Mandarin)
Suzie Leow => Lose till death (Hokkien)
Henry Mah => Hate your mum (Mandarin)
Corrine Tai => Poor fellow (Hokkien)
Paul Chan => Bankrupt (Mandarin)
Nelson Tan => Bird laying eggs (Mandarin)
Leslie Tong => Rubbish Bin (Mandarin)
Carmen Teng => Leg hair long (Hokkien)
Connie Mah => Call your mother (Cantonese)
Danny See => Squeeze you to death (Hokkien)
Rosie Teng => Screws and nails (Hokkien)
Pete Tsai => Nose droppings (Hokkien)
Macy Koh => Never die before (Cantonese)


My favourite star

Joe Chen is my favourite star. She is cute, beautiful and talented. These are why I like her.


  • 本名:陈乔恩
  • 英文:JOE
  • 生日:1979 / 04 / 04(民国68年)
  • 农历:68 / 03 / 08
  • 生肖:羊
  • 血型:O 型
  • 星座:牡羊座
  • 身高:164公分
  • 体重:47公斤
  • 语言:国语、台语、 英语、客家语
  • 个性:活泼开朗、直率 兴趣:唱歌、演戏、吃、睡觉
  • 专长:演戏、唱歌、主持、搞笑、POP、吧台 出生地:台湾新竹
  • 家中排行:老二(一兄一弟)
  • 学历:新竹光复高中毕(专科)
  • 嗜好:看电影
  • 志愿:知足常乐
  • 最大的愿望:快乐就好
  • 最喜欢的食物:鸡屁股、鸡睾丸、牛排、甜食、巧克力、冰淇淋
  • 最喜欢的穿著:轻松、休闲风
  • 最喜欢的颜色:红、黄(偏爱颜色鲜艳的装饰品)
  • 最喜欢的动物:狗狗(家里有一只个性古怪的狗,叫来福,joe很爱它)、小熊娃娃(英文名Best贝斯特)
  • 最喜欢的运动:骑脚踏车、游泳、练舞
  • 最满意自己的部位:肩膀、嘴
  • 最喜欢的偶像:丹佐华盛顿、凯文史贝西、艾德华诺顿、李度
  • 最喜欢的电影:刺激1995、男孩别哭、美国心玫瑰情
  • 最满意自己的作品:中国那麼大
  • 最喜欢做的事:看几米的书、写日记(希望能出个人心情手札)
  • 最喜欢的作者:几米、张小娴
  • 最喜欢的舞步:爵士舞、踢踏舞
  • 最讨厌的事:睡不饱、运动
  • 最悲伤的事:离家出国拍外景
  • 乔恩的收藏:菸盒
  • 乔恩的肤质:属缺水、缺油极乾的肌肤
  • 乔恩的脸部保养:AVEDA保湿面膜、「台盐」绿迷雅化妆品
  • 乔恩的美白保养:绿豆粉+牛奶敷全身、每月至少得SPA一次
  • 乔恩的瘦身方法:连续7天,过下午5点就忌食
  • 乔恩的健胸方法:乔恩妈妈所煮的爱心煲汤(鸡心+鸡睾丸)
  • 乔恩的出道日期:2001年9月
  1. 乔恩7朵花-职称〃颜色〃花名
  2. 副队长〃『黄色』〃『向日葵』

Joe Chen Qiao-En (traditional Chinese: 陳喬恩; simplified Chinese: 陈乔恩; pinyin: Chén Qiáoēn, born 4 April 1979) is a Taiwanese actress. She is the co-leader of Taiwanese group 7 Flowers and is also the first female member of the talent agency Jungiery. Her interest lies mainly in acting and writing and she does well in both fields. She was the female lead in the 2nd highest-rated Taiwanese drama "The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog" 《王子變青蛙》, and is currently a hostess in two TV shows -- "Treasure Hunter" 《冒險奇兵》and《型男大主厨》. In 2008 she once again rose to stardom in a new drama "Fated To Love You" 《命中注定我愛你》,which broke the record of "The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog" 《王子變青蛙》, to achieve the highest segment ratings in Taiwan's idol dramas so far.

In 2001, she began her career. She was a model and an assistant.
In 2002, she became the first hostess of Sanlih E-Television (SET) TV show《中國那麼大》. She also acted in "My MVP Valentine."
In late 2002, she became the hostess of Taiwan Television(TTV) TV show 《綜藝旗艦》, with Jacky Wu and NONO.
In 2003, her contract with Jungiery Star was "frozen" for half a year.
In 2004, she became the co-leader of the new Taiwan singing group 7 Flowers.
Between 2004-2005, she was the main actress of some popular dramas, including "100% Senorita" 《千金百分百》, "In Love With A Rich Girl" 《愛上千金美眉》 and "The Prince Who Turns Into A Frog" 《王子變青蛙》.
In late 2005, she became hostess of the TV show "Treasure Hunter" 《冒險奇兵》with Zeng GuoCheng (曾國城)
and appear a cameo role in a philippine drama titled "sugo" as Richard Gutierrez love interrest.
In 2006, she continued to co-host 冒險奇兵, and co-hosted another new variety show called “型男大主厨” with Zeng Guocheng as well.
In 2006, she starred in a TV show called "A Game about Love" 《剪刀石頭布》 with 5566 & 183 Club member Sam Wang.
In 2007, she and Ming Dao were brought back together to star in Ying Ye 3 Jia 1, alongside former co-star / 5566 member Jason Hsu (My MVP Valentine, 100% Senorita, In Love With A Rich Girl) and Jerry Huang.
In 2008, she took on the drama Fated To Love You, working together with Ethan Ruan and newcomer Baron Chen Chu He. She also published her very first book "See Or Not"《喬見沒》.

7 Flowers
7 Flowers originally had 7 members (in 2004), but now has only 4. The members include Joyce Zhao Hong Qiao, Doris (previously Ive) Lai Wei Ru and Jade Qu Xiao Jie. Joe Chen Qiao En was not a singer before the group was formed. She is the co-leader of the group.
7 Flowers songs are used in several dramas, including "Top Of The Forbidden City" 《紫禁之巔》, "In Love With A Rich Girl" 《愛上千金美眉》, and "The Prince Who Turns Into A Frog" 《王子變青蛙》
Qiao En has written/co-written several songs such as 'My Dear Friend' and 'Say You Love Me'.
In late 2005, their first album "7 Flowers" was released and more than 40,000 were sold.
Qiao En sang three songs for "Ying Ye 3+1," one of which was a duet with co-star Ming Dao.

She has actively participated in Idol Dramas,and first began with SET Dramas "Lavender" 《薰衣草》 and "My MVP Valentine" 《MVP 情人》.
In 2004, she became the main actress in CTS and SET drama "100% Senorita" 《千金百分百》 and later took part in TTV Drama "In Love With A Rich Girl" 《愛上千金美眉》.
In 2005, she participated in SET and TTV drama "The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog" 《王子變青蛙》. This drama broke many records for Taiwanese drama serials. She and her co-star Ming Dao are dubbed as the 'dream combination, perfect lovers'. This drama is sold all around the world including Asia, America, and Africa.
In 2008, she participated in "Fated To Love You" 《命中注定我愛你》which broke the records previously set by "The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog" 《王子變青蛙》to achieve a segment rating of 13.64.


2004 Top of the Forbidden City 《紫禁之巔》Drama Music CD
2005 Love Miracle《愛的奇蹟》喬傑立巨星最紅偶像劇精選
2005 The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog 《王子變青蛙》Drama Music CD
2005 7 Flowers
2006 The Magicians of Love 《愛情魔髮師》Drama Music CD
2007 Ying Ye 3+1 <<櫻野3加1>> Drama Music CD

2001 母雞帶小鴨
2002 Lavender (薰衣草)
2002 My MVP Valentine (MVP 情人)
2003 老嫩大細
2004 In Love With A Rich Girl (愛上千金美眉)
2004 100% Senorita (千金百分百)
2004 Woman Is Flower (紅色女人花〃別變)
2005 The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog (王子變青蛙)
2005 Sugo (Philippines-Guest Artist)
2006 A Game About Love (剪刀石頭布)
2007 Ying Ye 3 Jia 1 (櫻野3加1)
2008 Fated To Love You (命中注定我愛你)

TV Shows
2002 Videoland 全民快打
2002 SET Metro 電子情人
2002 SET Metro 中國那麼大
2002 TTV 綜藝旗鑑
2004 CTV 愛情萬萬歲
2004 CTS 鬥陣俱樂部
2005 SET Metro 冒險奇兵
2006 SET Metro 型男大主廚

She was one of the choices as a main lead for the newest drama ofSET TV "I Love Shan Bao Mei" as a replacement for Cyndi Wang.
In The prince who turned into a Frog, she had to have her hair cut so short that she cried for 3 days.

Who is important in your life?‏

一生中最重要的人 事情發生在美國的一所大學。 在快下課時教授對同學們說?'我和大家做個遊戲,誰願意配合我一下。' 一女生走上台來。 教授說?'請在黑板上寫下你難以割捨的二十個人的名字。' 女生照做了。有她的鄰居、朋友以、親人等等。 教授說 ?'請你劃掉一個這裏面你認為最不重要的人。' 女生劃掉了一個她鄰居的名字。 教授又說?' 請你再劃掉一個。' 女生又劃掉了一個她的同事。 教授再說?'請你再劃掉一個。 ' 一生中最重要的人 女生又劃掉了一個。 ..... 最後,黑板上只剩下了三個人,她的父母、丈夫和孩子。 教室非常安靜,同學們靜靜的看著教授,感覺這似乎已不再是一個遊戲了。 教授平靜的說 ?'請再劃掉一個。' 女生遲疑著,艱難的做著選擇...... 她舉起粉筆,劃掉了父母的名字。 '請再劃掉一個。' 身邊又傳來了教授的聲音。 她驚呆了,顫巍巍地舉起粉筆緩慢而堅決的又劃掉了兒子的名字。 緊接著,她哇的一聲哭了,樣子非常痛苦。 教授等她平靜了一下,問道?'和你最親的人應該是你的父母和你的孩子,因為父母是養育的人,孩子是你親生的,而丈夫是可以重新再尋找的,為什麼丈夫反倒是你最難割捨的人呢? ' 同學們靜靜地看著她,等待著她的回答。 女生平靜而又緩慢地說道?'隨著時間的推移,父母會先我而去,孩子長大成人後肯定也會離我而去,真正陪伴我度過一生的只有 我的丈夫

what a holiday!

During the raya holiday, my parents always force me to read!! read!! read!! I am MAD of these!!

Why?? why should the exam be after this holiday? cant i rest?i just want to enjoy my holiday! but anyway, look at my books, i have to read these before exam, and some revision to be made too!! what an exam!!

look at them! i hate them!

but anyway, i have to read them because i have to have good results in this exam. i want to have a high purata in this exam. this is why i am so desperate......

After all, these books are my favourite:

i hope that exam will pass as soon as possible.


can you guess these?

what is the relationship between a bird and a fly?
a bird can fly but a fly can't bird.

can you guess these?

1. why Audrey brings a ladder to her new school?
because she is going to her new high school.
2. what did the ant told the elephant that cause it fainted immediately?
"i am pregnent and the baby is yours."
3. when did 1+1 does not equals to 2?
when someone counts wrongly.
4. 哪一个历史人物是洞里的光?
5. which queen is our beloved lizard queen?
Queen E'lizard'beth.


What happen to your phone?
I tried calling you but the operator said:"Welcome to the monkey department, the monkey you trying to call is not on the tree, please try again later."

I miss my primary school!! T.T

To all my primary friends,

Hope you may have new friends in your secondary school and do not forget me!




Who said that English is easy....
Fill in the blank with 'yes' or 'no'.
1. _____, I don't have a brain.
2. _____, Jia Yi is beautiful.


Time For Some Jokes!!!

Feel like your going insane?
Heartpain and emotional confusion?
You are probably suffering from the'I miss Jia Yi'
for instant relief call

Time For Some Jokes!!!

Welcome to www.cute.com.
Type password:CUTE
New member name:CUTE
Sorry you are too old to be cute,please try www.tua.com.




Time for some jokes!! /// 笑话时间到!! ( 1 )

Meaning of "wife" and "husband":



A new blog for me!!

In the 19th of January 2008, I had made my new blog. I hope this will make me more modern.

Time for some jokes!! /// 笑话时间到 ( 2 )

Friendship means alot to me,

U laugh, I laugh,

U cry, I cry,

U jump out the wimdow,

I look out the window and say:


Friends forever right? =.=ll